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Zabiegi na twarz

Facial therapies

Terapie twarzy Warszawa
Terapia żuchwy

Temporomandibular therapy

recommendations: bruxism, jaw clenching, teeth grinding

Therapy is aimed at people who struggle with problems:

  • Headaches
  • Pain or stiffness in the chewing muscles, neck, neck
  • Pain when opening/closing the mouth
  • Noises, squeaks, sensation of ear plugging (after excluding ENT causes)
  • Bruxism (teeth grinding and clenching)
  • Mechanical injuries in the head or cervical spine
  • incorrect body posture, which leads to excessive tension of the masticatory muscles and the associated pain
  • swelling after tooth extraction
  • scars after procedures in the head and neck area

A visit to a physiotherapist may also be a complement to orthodontic/dental treatment.

During the visit, a thorough examination is carried out, consisting of collecting an interview and conducting clinical tests. The treatment is based on manual therapy of soft tissues and joints, it has an analgesic and relaxing effect. The physiotherapist complements the service with tips on self-therapy, i.e. exercise instructions to maintain the effects of therapy.

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  • Price
    40 minutes
    140 PLN


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Opis usługi… praesentium nostrum repellendus, facilis! Cubilia diamlorem, malesuada maecenas pede tenetur curae aut etiam voluptas nostrud urna justo eligendi laborum. 

 Volutpat? Habitasse, tempora, quas hac, ligula aptent bibendum, aute? Quae pretium, aperiam aliquet earum primis, optio tristique. Ullamcorper dicta ipsum incididunt in nec placeat lorem? Perferendis? Molestias, aliquip morbi sollicitudin culpa senectus consequuntur. Consequuntur eius habitant molestie at, temporibus exercitation accusantium, fermentum eros. Fugiat nihil.

Czytaj dalej Zwiń
  • Cennik
    90 minut
    300 PLN